Monday, May 10, 2010

Orville Redenbacher

How is popcorn made? Well it's elementary my dear friends. Miniaturized Orville Redenbacher's are placed inside that silver bowl thing suspended inside the popcorn machine. After pouring the popcorn kernels into the bowl, your mini-Orville will throw them at the side of the bowl. Eventually these combust, and at the force they are being thrown into the wall the bowl will tip to one side due to Newton's Third Law. This is when the popcorn falls out and you get the tasty goodness. Those who are lucky enough will find an Orville in their bag, but the chances of him not jumping out before consumption are 1 to 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. You may now ask "Well what about microwave popcorn?" Well my students, that is an answer for a another time.


  1. Pretty sure Orville Redenbacher doesn't actually come OUT OF the popcorn. He just randomly appears.
